Human Exibit

Self-acceptance is the word of the day!

Once upon a time.. in a magical zoo far, far away.. there lived a very special elephant named Ellie……..

The sun was barely coming up one morning and the rest of the zoo was still sound asleep..

when Ellie rolled over and opened one eye.. trying to decide if she was ready to start her day.

She yawned and stretched.. and then strolled leisurely out to the middle of her yard enjoying the quiet stillness. She knew it wouldn’t stay that way for long!

And sure enough.. a few minutes later Kenny, her kangaroo friend, bounced out of his hut.. ready for the day.

“Good Morning, Kenny!” she called over their shared fence.

“Bonjour, Madame Ellie! Comment allez-vous?” he called back.

“I’m wonderful! It’s a beautiful morning and I can’t wait to see all the people. I wonder who will come visit us today!”

Just then.. Gigi, the giraffe, poked her head out of the group of leaves she had been snacking on. “Buenos dias amigas!” she called to her friends

“Good morning!” Ellie replied.

“Bonjour!” said Kenny.

“es un dia maraviloso!” exclaimed Gigi

“oh yes! It’s going to be a glorious day indeed!” cried Ellie.

Each went on their way.. preparing for the day so that they could greet their human guests as they arrived.

And what a wonderful day it was.. many people came to the zoo that day.. young and old alike. The children were excited to see all of the animals and adults were taking pictures to share with their friends.

Then.. just as the day was winding down and the last of the zoo visitors were leaving.. Ellie said the most intriguing thing.

“I wonder where the people go when they leave here? We can see each other’s exhibits, but I’ve always been curious about the human exhibit..” Ellie’s voice trailed off.. trying to imagine what the rest of the world was like.

“Ooh la la!” replied Kenny

Why don’t we get up very early tomorrow morning, before any of the others wake up, and go out to explore the human world?” Ellie asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“Oh si!” exclaimed Gigi, “Sera una aventura!”

And just like they planned.. the next morning the three friends were up before dawn, out of their enclosures, and headed straight for the middle of town.

Along the way, they saw the most curious things..

A man sitting, reading a newspaper and drinking coffee at the small coffee shop on the corner.

An older lady walking her poodle.

A young fellow on a motor scooter and children riding down the sidewalk on their bikes.

But as the morning went on.. things changed. People were in a rush.. they started honking their horns and yelling out their car windows at each other.

The animals thought.. surely this is just a certain type of human.. a small, fraction of the entire group.. and certainly nothing like “their” humans that visit them at the zoo!

Just then Ellie saw a familiar face.. Regina, a young girl that visited the zoo frequently and was one of Ellie’s favorites.. she was always so nice and friendly.

But before Ellie could say hello, Regina was joined by several of her friends.

They were all laughing and seemed to be having a very good time, but then Ellie noticed them pointing and she realized that they were making fun of another girl.

The young girl stared at them in horror. Then she started to cry and ran away.

“Oh..” said Ellie very worried, “this is terrible! We have to go find her and see if she is alright!”

Kenny and Gigi agreed, and the three set off to find the girl.

They didn’t have to go very far because they spotted her sitting on a park bench just around the corner.. her eyes still wet from tears.

As they got closer, Ellie was the first to speak.

“….good morning,” Ellie said softly.

The girl nodded in acknowledgement.

“….we saw what happened back there. We just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“no..” she stammered.. fresh tears running down her cheeks. “Those girls are always so mean to me.. and I’ve never done anything to them.”

Ellie motioned to the bench and asked, “Do you mind if I sit down?”

“No, I don’t mind,” said the girl.

“My name is Ellie.. and these are my friends.. Kenny and Gigi.”

Kenny and Gigi nodded hello.

“My name is Anastasia,” the girl replied, “but everyone calls me Ana.”

“….and those girls ……they always do that to you?” asked Kenny quietly.. almost shyly.

“Yes.. ever since last year.. they tease me because of my weight.”

“……..your ………weight?” asked Ellie, not quite understanding.

Ellie was lost in her own thoughts for a moment.

Being an elephant, she was naturally a big girl and she…. did. not. understand.

“….Gigi? ….Kenny? …… you think that *I* am flawed in some way because I am a big girl???” Ellie asked with incredulous wonder.

“No!” said Gigi firmly, “I’ve never even considered your size a factor in our friendship.”

“Nope.. me neither,” said Kenny shaking his head and looking perplexed by the very idea of it all.

Ellie sighed deeply and put her trunk around Anastasia. “I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this. I wish I had a magic wand that could fix it all for you, but I am at a loss.. I’ve never had an experience like this before.

You see.. at the zoo, we don’t treat each other like that. I am free to be me.. Gigi is free to be her.. and Kenny is free to be him. And the same with all of the other animals.

Sure we all look different, but we like each other without even giving that a thought!”

Anastasia thought for a moment and then smiled. “Who knew.. humans sure could learn a thing or two from the zoo!”

“Well,” offered Ellie, “just hold your head up high and know that you are a good person. Think of all your good qualities! What makes you.. you?

“Oui, oui!” agreed Kenny

“Si, senorita!” nodded Gigi.

“Tell us about you, Ana.. what do you like to do? What are you good at?” asked Ellie, genuinely curious to know her new friend better.

“….well, I do draw pretty well. ………..and I love to sing.” said Ana shyly.

“There it is! You’re creative!” exclaimed Ellie, excited to see the spark in Ana’s eyes!

“Will you teach us a song to sing with you, Ana… oh please say you will!” chimed in Gigi.

“Oh, yes! This is exciting!” exclaimed Kenny as he bounced around, humming his own tune.

And so Anastasia taught them a short little ditty.. and they all laughed, and danced, and clapped as they sang their new song.

Just then they heard the school bell chiming in the distance letting students know they had fifteen minutes to get to class.

“Would you like us to walk back to school with you?” asked Ellie.

“Oh, yes! Please do.. you’ve all been so nice to me. Thank you so much!” Anastasia leaned her head on Ellie’s shoulder.

They were all still humming, singing, and skipping along as the group rounded the corner of the school yard.

The other girls were still standing there.. Ellie caught Regina’s eye and immediately decided she needed to say something about the incident.

“Hi Ellie! Such a nice surprise to see you here today!” Regina said cheerfully.

“Yes, well I certainly am glad that I came,” responded Ellie with a hint of indignation in her voice.

“You know.. I have to tell you something………….. you were always one of my favorites. I liked to watch you laugh and play when you came to my exhibit. I used to think you were a very sweet girl.

But now……..” Ellie’s voice trailed off.

“But now…?” asked Regina, genuinely puzzled.

Ellie thought for a moment before she continued.

“There’s a huge difference between humans and animals. I never realized that someone could like me.. or not like me.. just because I’m big. I never knew my size could even be an issue. The other animals have never discriminated against me based on how large I am.. and they certainly have never made fun of me or teased me about it!

You laughed at Anastasia because she is bigger than you.. and that was very rude and intentionally hurtful. I’m really disappointed.. I thought you were a better person than that,” Ellie said shaking her head in disappointment.

Regina didn’t know what to say at first. “…..but you’re an elephant …’re supposed to be big!” she finally responded in her own defense.

“Yes……” said Ellie nodding her head, “I am big! I am much bigger than.. Gigi.. and Kenny.. and even you! But that doesn’t make it good or bad, right or wrong…. it just is.

And it’s the same with humans as well.

I may not know much about the human world, but I know one thing for certain.. just like animals.. some are large.. and some are small.. and there is every shape and size in between. Humans come to our zoo in all shapes, sizes, and colors.. and all kinds of different personalities.

And we interact with each of them for who they are.. not for what they look like.

Ellie paused for a moment.. then continued, “…..yes, Anastasia is bigger than you. But who are you to determine if that is right or wrong.. good.. or bad?”

Regina realized the truth in what Ellie was saying.. “I hadn’t thought about it like that before, but you’re right, Ellie. I am so ashamed.”

“Yes, you should be.” Ellie responded quietly. “I believe you owe Anastasia an apology. It won’t change what you did, but she deserves to hear that you’re sorry.”

“Yes, you’re right,” nodded Regina in agreement, “…..but I don’t know what to say.”

“You can start with ‘I’m sorry.’ mon ami.” interjected Kenny.

“Si, senorita” added Gigi, “start with ‘I’m sorry I teased you.. and I’m sorry that the mean things I said hurt you.’ “

“The rest will come,” nodded Ellie, “….or if not, then that will due for today.”

“We can go with you if you would like,” offered Kenny.

“Oh, please! It will be much easier with you there!” responded Regina.

And so the group set off to find Anastasia.

Ellie saw her standing on the front steps getting ready to go into the school and decided it would be best if she went to talk to Ana first.

“We’ve had a little chat with Regina.. she sees how wrong she was and wants to apologize to you. We can stay here with you if you would like,” Ellie said reassuringly.

Ana sighed a deep sigh…. “ok”

Ellie motioned for the others to come over.

Regina was the first to speak, “Ana.. I’m sorry that I’ve been treating you so badly. I promise I won’t do that anymore.”

Ana nodded in acceptance of the apology.

As the girls turned to go into the school, Ana stopped to give each of her new friends a big hug and a “thank you!”

Ellie said “We were glad to help!”

“Yes!” agreed Gigi.

“And we are so happy to have met a new friend!” said Kenny, “especially one who knows such wonderful songs!”

Anastasia laughed, “You all really are the best!”

“Make sure you come visit us at the zoo,” encouraged Gigi.

“Oh! just think of all the fun we can have!” exclaimed Ellie smiling at the very thought of it all.

“I will,” promised Ana as she turned to go inside.

As the last of the children disappeared into the school, Kenny turned to the others and sighed.. “Whew.. who knew humans treated each other so badly….”

“Yes, that’s right,” agreed Gigi, “the more I see of the human exhibit the more I realize that they are very caught up in others being too this, or too that….. or not enough this.. not enough that.”

“How curious an animal these humans are..” pondered Ellie, “they need our help even more than we imagined. We must come back again.”

“Soon!” offered Kenny.. nodding his head in agreement.

“Yes, soon..” agreed Gigi.

And with a firm resolve to return to the human exhibit as soon and as frequently as they could.. the three friends headed back to the zoo.. each of them feeling very thankful for the acceptance that came with each other’s friendship.

….until next time! Much love and kisses!


The End.

or rather.. perhaps this is just the beginning!!


The moral of the story…

Self-esteem and self-acceptance are your best armor against bullying.

We think of self-esteem as feeling good about ourselves. It’s like when Ellie and her friends helped Ana recognize some of the things she likes about herself.. that’s self-esteem.

But that’s only half of the battle..

Self-esteem usually only involves our positive attributes. Self-acceptance, however, requires us to dig a little deeper into ourselves.

Everyone has good and bad qualities.. that’s what makes us human.

Self-acceptance is when you recognize your less-than-positive attributes and accept them for what they are. Accepting yourself for all of who you are.. flaws and all.. is your key to genuine self-acceptance.

And when you accept and appreciate yourself, it won’t really matter if someone else doesn’t like you, because if that happens, your response will be.. that’s ok! I know I’m not for everyone and I like me just the way I am!

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